0204T2D1.ZIP 647261 07-31-96 Terminator 2 v2.04d. Free DOS comm program with multiple task windows (great w. Warp/Windows) Internet/ISDN speeds up to 115,200 bps while using integral QWK'em mail reader, File or ftp Navigators or its TETRIS game or a CD-ROM. 1/4. 0204T2D2.ZIP 626575 09-22-96 Terminator 2 v2.04d. 2/4. 0204T2D3.ZIP 396168 09-22-96 Terminator 2 v2.04d. 3/4. 0204T2D4.ZIP 704771 09-22-96 Terminator 2 v2.04d. 4/4. 0204T2D6.ZIP 725652 07-31-96 Terminator 2 v2.04d 286. Code optimised. Has only T2.EXE and T2.OVR files compiled for 80286 & better processors replacing those two files generated by a generic installation of the great Free communications program. 336FAQ.ZIP 7469 08-20-96 FAQ on USR Sportster Modems. Tells which can run 33,600, what serial numbers, etc. If you have a Sportster, you should read this. ADF_141.ZIP 33120 07-17-96 ADF v1.41. Serial port FOSSIL driver for high speed modem users. Supports 16550 and 16650, FOSSIL rev level 5, multitasking environments, 115200 bps, any port, any IRQ, and any FIFO trigger level. AFLAS.ZIP 1214237 07-19-96 Alpha Flash v2.0b for Win 95. Send messages from your computer to alpha-numeric pagers. It will also monitor your Exchange or Microsoft Mail Inbox and will page you with the message, when you receive Compuserve or regular email, or a fax. ALTPP15K.ZIP 166644 07-02-96 Alpha v1.5k for Windows. Send messages to alpha-numeric pagers. Powerful but easy to use. Supports a large number of users and different alpha-numeric paging systems. APDORG.ZIP 1160813 07-14-96 APD Organizer with Caller ID v1.53 for Windows. Automatic display of the caller record with a distinct sound when the phone rings. Provides complete time and contact management features, including a phone book, call log, to-dos with carry-over, more. CABMAN.ZIP 328256 08-27-96 CabMan v1.31 for Windows. Filing Cabinet manager for users of CompuServe's WinCIM interface program. Backup and restore (selectively or completely) the contents of the Filing Cabinet, as well as view, delete, print and export the text of entries. CIMSUITE.ZIP 88359 07-30-96 CIM Suite v1.0 for Windows. Converts WinCIM, DOSCIM, and CSNav forum message threads, forum messages, email messages, display articles, and ENS stories to plain ASCII in a format suitable for archiving or word processing. COMMO70.ZIP 210094 08-24-96 Commo v7.0. High-performance terminal program. Better results in Win95 and OS/2 than native apps. Famous for speed, reliability and versatility. This release includes the INT 14 driver interface and support for faster serial ports. CSW300.ZIP 1208118 08-03-96 CompuSlave v3.00 for Windows. Imports CompuServe forum message files into a database, converting them to individual messages. You can easily add, delete, edit, and search the entire database for key words or phrases. DIALP15.ZIP 192052 07-23-96 DialerPro v1.5 for Windows. Desktop phone dialing package. Simply type in names and phone numbers, then double-click on one from the list to dial it. DIALPD22.ZIP 160543 07-10-96 DialPad v2.2 for Windows. Phone dialer which needs either a sound device or a modem. Works with PC Speaker driver, and supports up to 100 QuickDial numbers. Freeware. EZDIALUP.ZIP 319908 07-22-96 EZDialup v1.8 for Windows. Dialup file server system. Allows users to securely distribute files to remote callers using pre-programmed scripts. Commands include download, upload, zip, unzip, move up, move down, run programs and more. FAX_N511.ZIP 750146 08-14-96 FaxMail Network v5.11 for Win 95/NT. Adds faxing capabilities to applications. Features include an auto-print on receive option, background operation, custom cover pages, a fast fax viewer, timed sends, logging of all past and future fax events, more. FAX_V511.ZIP 723378 08-14-96 FaxMail Network v5.11 for Windows. FNDCS1_3.ZIP 316913 07-22-96 FinCIS v1.3. Locate a Compuserve access phone number almost anywhere in the world, across 30 networks, and connect in as few as three clicks. FWRDR10.ZIP 23063 08-13-96 Forwarder v1.0. Forwards calls to a specified number for up to 10 minutes. Does not require Call Forwarding, but does require the 3WAY phone service. Ideal for people who own pagers, or aren't home alot. HPFAX106.ZIP 95714 08-15-96 Quickstar Fax Pro v1.06. (HP version) Send one or many faxes fast and easy! Sends faxes much faster than most fax programs do! INTLLCT.ZIP 1277252 08-15-96 Intellect v1.8.21. Telephone/PC link that automatically organizes your incoming and outgoing communications. Features include incoming call notification, point and click dialing, speed dial buttons, voice mail system support, more. LCDSET32.ZIP 409256 08-23-96 LCDSet v2.0 for Win 95/NT. Sets the LCD screen parameters and runs diagnostics on Practical Peripherals LCD 28.8 modems. This includes the modem clock, scroll rates, on-screen messages, etc. MODEM511.ZIP 38502 08-14-96 FaxModem Wizard v5.11. Tells you what, if anything, is on each of your 4 comm ports and which IRQ is connected to each comm port, COM?-IRQ? ONLYNTYM.ZIP 470546 08-10-96 On-Line Usage Timer for Windows. Helps you track your free hours on an on-line service as well as calculate service charges. OPAM3D52.ZIP 105085 08-14-96 Hayes Optima 288 Business Modem Flash Upgrade 8/9/96 Firmware Revision 6.10. PA_LITE1.ZIP 881813 07-24-96 Page Ability Lite v1.0a for Windows. Send messages to alpha-numeric pagers. Features include a comprehensive address book, the ability to create "canned" messages for instant recall, a detailed history report, and much more. 1/2. PA_LITE2.ZIP 1154735 07-24-96 Page Ability Lite v1.0a for Windows. 2/2. PM16.ZIP 1223686 07-10-96 PageMaster v2.0 for Windows. Paging software package allows you to send information to both numeric and alphanumeric pagers from your desktop. Includes the ability to send pages to an entire group, background operation, Microsoft Mail. PM32.ZIP 1279536 07-16-96 PageMaster v2.0 for Windows NT. PM95.ZIP 1373075 07-10-96 PageMaster v2.0 for Windows 95. PSEA303D.ZIP 392953 08-28-96 Private Secretary v3.03 for Windows. Monitors the phone via a Hayes compatible auto-dial modem and notifies you on your pager and/or at another phone that a call came in. It can also send wakeup calls and routine reminders to keep you on schedule. PSSP160.ZIP 308937 08-17-96 Smart Phone v1.60. Is your phonebook accurate? 25 new area codes have appeared in the past 2 years. SmartPhone cross-references area, zip and country codes, time zones, and geographic info. 21,000 towns listed. Why waste $ dialing a wrong number? QFAX107B.ZIP 111699 09-15-96 QuickStar Fax Pro v1.07b Send one or many faxes fast and easy! RATER96.ZIP 521099 07-01-96 CISRater v6.07 for Windows. Logs CIS charges for WinCim 1.2 to 1.4, including CD and Ziffnet versions. It also provides three options to start WinCim, with the ability to set different "session settings" before WinCim startup. STALLREL.ZIP 481440 08-03-96 Stallion Drivers for Multi Port Stallion card and Win 95. TAPICA14.ZIP 907198 07-19-96 Tapioca v1.4.9h for Windows. Assists in making calls with an international callback service. This works with most popular Windows communications programs. TELEMAN.ZIP 612364 08-28-96 Telecomm Manager v1.0 for Windows. Suite of telecommunications utilities including MaxFax, which allows you to enter lists of fax numbers and send one fax to every number in the list; MaxBeep, which allows you to send text messages to alphanumeric pagers. TNF1_10.ZIP 270689 08-02-96 To & Fro! v1.10. Demo copy of the easiest to use file transmission program on Earth. Simply put files you need to send to a remote computer in the SEND sub-directory, press the SEND selection, and off they go. WINTEL32.ZIP 647430 07-03-96 WinTel32 v1.25 for Win 95/NT. Communication program features file transfer using ASCII, XModem, YModem, ZModem, and Kermit; VT100, ANSI Color, VT52, and TTY terminal emulation; viewing GIF and JPEG images offline or while downloading. WNFOS112.ZIP 57093 07-22-96 WinFossil v1.12r4 for Win 95. 32-bit FOSSIL driver dramatically improves transfer speeds for fossil aware software. ZEST20.ZIP 55779 08-26-96 Zest v2.0. Fastest Z-Modem from Kaist, South Korea!